Terms of Use

This document was last updated on 7/19/2015. If you have any questions about any of the terms on this page, please contact us immediately.

RoomToRoom Home Inspection Software


This license is hereinafter referred to as the "License".

Myrtlewood Software is hereinafter referred to as the "Company". Other companies / parties are referred to as "company" in this License.

By downloading, copying, opening, installing, using, and / or gaining access to RoomToRoom Home Inspection Software (hereinafter referred to as "Software"), you agree to abide by the following terms and conditions. Your failure to comply by the terms of the License will result in the License being terminated immediately, at which point you must uninstall and delete all copies of the Software in your possession.

The License is limited to only one person, the User, per purchase of the License. Therefore, an inspection company, for example, cannot purchase a single, regular License for use of the Software and have all of their inspectors use the same License. A company License must be purchased, which permits the use of the Software by multiple persons who are part of the same company. The terms for a company License are included in this License.

The right to use the Software is only for purchasers of the License who obtained access to the Software directly from Myrtlewood Software, and such purchasers of the License are hereinafter referred to as the "User". For a company License, "User" also refers to employees / independent contractors working for the company which purchased a company License of the Software. While Myrtlewood Software remains in privity of contract only with the original purchaser of the License, the terms in this License still apply to those users ( employees / independent contractors working for the company which purchased the company License). The original purchaser of the company License is responsible for the usage of the Software by all employees / independent contractors who work for the company which purchased the company License.

The User is given NO rights over any copy and / or portion of the Software other than to use the Software under the terms of this License. The User is given NO ownership of any copy and / or portion of the Software, and is only given a License to use the Software under the terms of this License. The full ownership and rights over the Software belong to the Company; however the only exception to this clause of full ownership by the Company are the PDFsharp, MigraDoc, Splicer, NUnit and DirectShow.Net third party coding libraries / dlls used by the Software. Please see the files "PDFsharp and MigraDoc Licenses.txt", "Splicer License.txt", "NUnit License.txt" and "DirectShow License.txt" included in the licenses folder with the Software for licensing information concerning the third party content.

The License as presented in this document is divided into sections, all contained within this document. Each of the four section titles below are only intended to improve the readability of the License and do not contain the actual terms of the License.

This License permits the User to use / install the Software on up to a maximum of three of the User's personal / business computers, and to make backup copies of the Software, so long as all copies are secure and can only be accessed by the User for the purposes of re-installing the Software. The User may use the Software to create home inspection reports in the PDF file format, and to distribute the PDF file home inspection reports to clients of the User either for free or for profit.

Under the limitations of this License, the User may NOT Modify, merge, publish, distribute / redistribute, sub-license, and / or sell copies of the Software or any portion of the Software. The User may NOT share / distribute the comment library / libraries.

If a company License was purchased, the same terms apply, except that the Software may be used by any employee / independent contractor who works for the same company which purchased a company License of the Software (however, in a franchise, if a franchisor/franchisee purchases a company license of the Software, other franchisor(s)/franchisee(s) who are part of the same franchise are NOT permitted to use the same license for the Software and must purchase their own licenses from the Company). If any employee / independent contractor ceases to work for the company which purchased a company License of the Software, the employee / independent contractor who no longer works for the company must uninstall and remove all copies of the Software from any and all of his / her personal computers and discontinue use of the Software. A company License of the Software permits use of the Software ONLY by employees / independent contractors working for the company which purchased a company License to use the Software.

Myrtlewood Software makes every effort to deliver high quality software. However, the Company does not guarantee that the Software is free from defects. The Software is provided “as is," and the User's use of the software is at the User's own risk.

The Company makes no warranties as to performance, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or any other warranties whether expressed or implied.

As stated above, the Company makes every attempt to deliver high quality software, but sometimes computer software can contain glitches / problems that result in loss of data (for example, a home inspection / home inspection report) and / or other damage / loss.

The User agrees that the liability of the Company is an amount equal to the original amount payed by the User to Myrtlewood Software in purchasing this License to use the Software.

The Company assumes no liability to persons other than the User (e.g. tenants, repairmen, insurance companies, realtors, client(s) of the User, etc.) and shall NOT be held liable to persons other than the User for the use of the Software, and / or for any mistakes, omissions and / or errors in the Software. This limitation of liability shall include and apply to all damages, including but not limited to any consequential damages, punitive damages, bodily injury damages and property damage of any nature, as well as any business lost or consequences happening to the User or the User's business / company as a result of using the Software. If the User distributes any home inspection reports to the User's client(s) and / or any other party, the Company is still in privity of contract ONLY with the User.

The Software now includes a feature that will check to see whether the User has completed all items in the report that have been marked as 'required'. This feature is not perfect in that it might sometimes not work as is expected by the User due to glitches or other issues. The Company is NOT liable for any errors that may occur with this feature. The User is entirely responsible for reviewing all report content before sending report(s) and / or report content to his / her client(s).

The laws of the State of Oregon shall be applied in the interpretation and adjudication of this License agreement.

END OF "END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT" FOR RoomToRoom Home Inspection Software

RoomToRoom Field App


This license is hereinafter referred to as the "License".

By downloading, copying, opening, installing, using, and / or gaining access to RoomToRoom Field App (hereinafter referred to as "Software"), you agree to abide by the following terms and conditions. Your failure to comply by the terms of the License will result in the License being terminated immediately, at which point you must uninstall and delete all copies of the Software in your possession.

The right to use the Software is only for users who obtained access to the Software directly from the Windows App Store, and such users of the Software are hereinafter referred to as the "User".

Myrtlewood Software is hereinafter referred to as the "Company".

The User is given NO rights over any copy and / or portion of the Software other than to use the Software under the terms of this License. The User is given NO ownership of any copy and / or portion of the Software, and is only given a License to use the Software under the terms of this License. The full ownership and rights over the Software belong to the Company.

The License as presented in this document is divided into sections, all contained within this document. Each of the four section titles below are only intended to improve the readability of the License and do not contain the actual terms of the License.

The User may use the Software to record information about a home's condition. The Software may be used entirely on its own, or in conjunction with RoomToRoom Home Inspection Software, but may not be used to create home inspection reports with other software, nor may any software be developed and / or distributed which is designed to use the inspection files created using the Software.

Under the limitations of this License, the User may NOT Modify, merge, publish, distribute / redistribute, sub-license, and / or sell copies of the Software or any portion of the Software. The User may NOT share / distribute the comment library / libraries.

Myrtlewood Software makes every effort to deliver high quality software. However, the Company does not guarantee that the Software is free from defects. The Software is provided “as is," and the User's use of the software is at the User's own risk.

The Company makes no warranties as to performance, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or any other warranties whether expressed or implied.

As stated above, the Company makes every attempt to deliver high quality software, but sometimes computer software can contain glitches / problems that result in loss of data (for example, a home inspection / home inspection report) and / or other damage / loss.

Since the User downloaded the Software for free from the Windows App Store, the User agrees that the Company is NOT liable to the User in any way.

The Company also assumes NO liability to persons other than the User (e.g. tenants, repairmen, insurance companies, realtors, client(s) of the User, etc.) and shall NOT be held liable to any party for the use of the Software, and / or for any mistakes, omissions and / or errors in the Software. The Company's exclusion from liability shall include and apply to all damages, including but not limited to any consequential damages, punitive damages, bodily injury damages and property damage of any nature, as well as any business lost or consequences happening to the User or the User's business / company as a result of using the Software. If the User distributes any home inspection reports to the User's client(s) and / or any other party, the Company is still in privity of contract ONLY with the User.

The Software now includes a feature that will check to see whether the User has completed all items in the report that have been marked as 'required'. This feature is not perfect in that it might sometimes not work as is expected by the User due to glitches or other issues. The Company is NOT liable for any errors that may occur with this feature. The User is entirely responsible for reviewing all report content before sending report(s) and / or report content to his / her client(s).

The laws of the State of Oregon shall be applied in the interpretation and adjudication of this License agreement.


Refund Policy:

Customers have within 14 days of purchasing RoomToRoom Home Inspection Software, if they are not satisfied with their purchase, to request a full refund of their purchase. Upon receipt of the refund, the customer must uninstall RoomToRoom Home Inspection Software from all of their machines as well as delete any installer files, and discontinue use of the software. The license to use the software will be terminated. The product key and / or installer for RoomToRoom may not be distributed.